Silver medal commemorating the completion and official opening of the Hospice Saint Michel at Paris 1826
Bronze medal by Andrieu and De Puymaurin, reverse vacant, to be awarded for work in field of vaccination, French, 1804 to 1840 Bronze medal by Andrieu and De Puymaurin 1804-1840
Silver trade token for entry into a brothel, octagonal, by de Paymaurin, French, 1850-1890 Silver trade token for entry into a brothel 1850-1890
Octagonal, silver medal, by De Puymaurind and artist Gayrard, Paris, France, 1780-1820. Octagonal silver medal 1780-1820
Medal, bronze, prize for vaccination against smallpox, uninscribed, by Andrieu, made by De Puymaurin, French, 1804-1830 Medal, bronze, prize for vaccination against smallpox 1804-1830
Medal, bronze, commemorating the introduction of vaccination into France, 1804, by Puymaurin, Andrieu artist, French, 1804 Medal, bronze, commemorating the introduction of vaccination into France 1804
Circular silver medal, awarded to Mr. Lefebvre by Society for Propagation of Vaccine, obverse designed by B. Andrieu, reverse designed by Gayrard, made by De Puymaurin, French, 1821 Circular silver medal 1821
Bronze medal commemorating the new Hospice of Saint Michel, consecrated 4th April 1826, in presence of many officials, by Depaulis and De Puymaurin, French, 1826 Medal commemorating the Hospice of Saint Michel 1826
Circular silver medal, awarded by Society for Propagation of Vaccine, to Mr. Mullet of Rouen, depicts King Louis XVIII, designed by B. Andrieu, under direction of Du Puymarin, French, 1814 Circular silver medal 1814
Octagonal medal, silver, probably of a French institution for the blind, by Raymond Gayrard and by Baron De Puymaurin, Paris, France, 1817-1830. Octagonal medal 1817-1830